Friday, May 18, 2007

It's been a while

Thursday, May 17, 2007:

Eeep! I just looked at the date of my last post and feel the need to offer my apologies to anyone who has yet to lose interest in my very slowly developing blog. I would offer excuses but I’m afraid I have none. I’ve been quite busy and that has allowed me to fall into somewhat of a routine. Things have also been quite uneventful. I think the initial culture shock wore off and the pile of work on my desk has piled up…both aren’t very conducive to trying to write often. This weekend will mark two months and its past like a blink of the eye. My training is starting to wrap up and boy and I ready to be at my post. Last weekend I took a trip to my future site and I couldn’t be more pleased. Driving through the western flats of Albania is not very appealing if you’re seeking out good scenery, but about 5 minutes before you get to the coastal city of Vlore the foothills turn into mountains and the dry arid fields turn into lush green hills. The road bends around a few hills and it offers the first views of the Adriatic Sea and the city. The city itself is nothing out of the ordinary but its location is certainly something to write home about. (or post in your blog about) I was invited to be at the event planned by the municipality that kicks off the summer season. We spent most of the day at the beach swimming, playing cards and jumping off of the old communist dictator’s seaside house into the water. Unfortunately I did not take any pictures so I cannot yet post them, but I will be living there for two years so rest assured…they will be posted.
I suppose since it’s been nearly a month I haven’t yet posted about what my job in Vlore will be. I’ve been assigned to work in the Bashki (municipality) in the department of tourism.

This is what was given to me in a packet describing my service:

The PCV (Peace Corps Volunteer) will be expected to work with four priority areas as follows:
1. Tourism development
2. Cultural Preservation
3. Youth development
4. NGO coordination

Specific Job Tasks:

Working with Youth Center
Helping and coordinating youth efforts to participate in the process of improving the transparency of the Bashkia toward the citizens in Vlora.
Participation of the youth in improving the Cultural services
Helping and coordinating the mobilization of the students of Vlora University and high schools also
helping in organization and coordination of Youth activities in Vlora
Sharing the American views on youth development with Vlora young people.
Working on tourism
Helping the day to day operations of the tourism office
The coordination of the info gathering and sharing among NGOs and Tourism sector of bashkia and other related entities
Helping with development and the process of publishing a news letter
Helping the process and find the appropriate ways of gathering information from connected entities
Coordinate the process of getting students involved in tourism issues
Help in staff management
Help in internship involvement
Help in preparing and implementing the seasonal tourism activities
Working with Non for Profit organizations
Coordinating the activities and strengthening links between bashkia and NPOs
Helping in the process of needs assessment and priority setting of the NPO sector in Vlora
Working with Programming department
Helping the process of public participation and urban planning

I’m afraid this post has become dry quite quickly. Really the only exciting story that I can offer is my experience killing our dinner. About three nights ago my mother came into my room sharpening a knife. I was reading but she told me to come outside. I followed her and there was my host brother holding a chicken. She handed me the knife and told me I had to kill it. I think she meant they wanted me to. I was pretty reluctant at first since I had never done something like that before; eventually I ended up doing it. I had always heard the phrase “they’re running around like a bunch of chickens with their heads cut off” but I never had the opportunity to actually see a chicken run around with its head cut off…until then. I have to say I’m shocked. I definitely thought it was something that lasted no more than a few seconds.
Well a few hours and a good chicken soup later it made for a good story.
The pictures I have posted along with this entry are from the town I am spending my training in. I did not take these pictures so I need to give credit to one Robert Adamski. I also want to thank everyone who has left me a comment. I haven’t had the time to post but I have read what you have written and it truly makes my day every time I read one. Thank you.
I hope you all are doing well and I hope to hear more comments!


Kathy said...

Dearest Michael,
what a wonderful sight to see your post this morning! With the list you have been given as your responisibilities for your future position, it is no wonder that you are anxious to get to you post! It looks as if you will be quite busy!
The phenomenon you described with the chicken is something I witnessed as a child living on the farm. At least your mom didn't ask you to help clean it and dress it, perhaps that is an adventure for the next chicken? :)
I am so proud of you, Michael, and please know you are thought of everyday. There are so many things during the day that remind me of family times together - I do so miss those. You do need to let us know what kind of birthday gift we can send you. If you want to get it on your birthday, you'll need to let us know by July 1!
Love you

& said...

AHHHHH, I can't believe you killed a chicken! Your vegetarian roots are waining my brother! We must get you back here immediately :)

Good to hear from you!



Keith Guerin said...

I'm excited to see pictures of this Mike. Your photos are fabulous; can't wait to come visit now.

roberto said...

Nice read bro, as always. Thanks for keeping us posted!! Put up some pics when you get a chance, I definitely want to see where you're at!


rossmoor said...

Michael, traveling guy, great to read your adventures and the resulting thoughts you are sharing with us. Are you assessing the Albanian architecture which, of course, is partly much older than what you worked with here? On occasion I hear something about your new country. If I were swifter I'd grab it for storing. I used to be the one to help my mother with the chickens. Quite an experience.

You're headed for yet another adventure. And while you are living and learning and helping there, you are missed here.

Unknown said...


Sounds like you are having an interesting time adapting to your new surroundings. I bet that chiicken tasted great having it freshly butchered. Yummy.

I wanted to drop you a quick note. I will be in Dubrovnik, Croatia from July 16 to 22 on vacation. I am not sure if you are anywhere near this area but it would be cool to see you there if we are near by.

Benjamin just left us in california last week and now we are enjoying the time off for memorial day weekend.

Hope this messaage finds you well and let me know if we can meet up during my time at the adriatic sea.
